Other actions ▼
Save to localStorage
Load from localStorage
Import userscript
Change background
Report an issue
(will be available until
Save and download smilepack!
Save changes
Save as new smilepack
Download last saved version
Collection of smiles
New smiles
Choose a section to view smiles
Select all
Copy category with name and icon
Load more smiles
Your smilepack
Add category here and fill it by dragging smiles from the collection
Add your smile
Selected smiles:
Add selected smiles to current category
Go to category
Selected smiles:
Move to another category
Remove selected smiles from smilepack
Adding a category
Changing a category
Category name:
Move before:
Don't change
Upload icon from computer:
Upload icon from link:
Icon resolution must be 50x50 pixels
Adding a smile
From link
From computer
Smile size:
Keep aspect ratio
Compress if possible (lossless)
Image will not be resized. If possible, it's best to compress it yourself in a graphics editor.
Suggest for publication in collection
If you wish, you can fill in the fields below, thereby helping the administration:
Tags (separated by comma):
Category (if there is a suitable):
Create a smile
Importing a userscript
Select an userscript file
Saving the smilepack
How long to store smilepack on the server:
Half an hour
8 hours
1 day
30 days
Keep forever
You can download userscript after saving; in the userscript smilepack will be always available
Configure websites that the userscript will be enabled (one per line):
At all other than those listed
Only listed
vk.com m.vk.com
everypony.ru *.everypony.ru
This list will be stored in your browser's cookies and in userscript; other users will not see it.
You can use * for mask; for example, *.example.com
Saving the smilepack
Create a smile
Smilepack saved!
His id:
Now you can:
Download userscript
and install it in your browser to use smilepack at all sites that support HTML or BBCode.
Give a look to someone your smilepack by sharing this link:
(or more compact version:
Close this message and continue editing to create another smilepack (previous saved smilepack will be unchanged).
Back to editing